Reflect: A Month of Gratitude!

Originally, my plan for December was to be of service, whether that be volunteering, helping a friend, or even just an act of kindness toward a stranger. However, life had other plans and I wasn’t able to fully commit to what I had in mind. As I sat down to write this post, I reflected on what I was going to say about this month. December is a month filled with appreciation and gratitude, so I found myself drifting off thinking about all the things in my life that I am grateful for.

Gratitude is something that is so easily forgotten, yet time and time again it is shown to correlate with happiness. Why is it so easy for us to focus on the things we don’t have? To wallow in negative emotions? Today, I am choosing to list out a few of the things I am grateful for. My hope is that as you read this, you will think of what you are grateful for in your life and smile. Maybe even reach out to some of the people in your life to let them know you appreciate them or simply just sit with the happiness that gratitude elicits.

Is it going to be cheesy? Yes…

Will there be any amazing revelations? Probably not…

Will you be inspired to write down what you are grateful for? Hopefully…

Alright, lets do this!

I’m grateful for my family. I’ve got a mom that is not only a role model but a confidant. She helped me through one of the darkest times in my life and to this day I am never scared to call her up to talk about whatever is on my mind. I’ve got a dad that challenges me, while also being patient with me. He taught me to be the strong woman I am today. I’ve got a brother who counteracts my seriousness with lightheartedness. He helps me remember to be more present. I’ve got aunts and uncles that even though I don’t talk to them every day, they make me feel loved every time I hear from them. And finally, my grandparents. They loved me unconditionally and gave me some of my most cherished memories.

I’m grateful for my friends. They are an extension of my family. They taught me how to be vulnerable and how to trust again. They inspire me. They motivate me. They challenge me. They push me to be better and don’t let me back out. They loved me while I was still learning to love myself. They taught me what true friendship really means.

I’m grateful for my pets. I’ve got a dog that snuggles with me every night and always makes sure I know she loves me. When I’m anxious, she will patiently sit with me while I calm down. I’ve got a cat that is badass! She has full on conversations with me and always greets me when I get home. At the end of the night, she curls up right next to my feet and purrs so that I know shes there.

I’m grateful for my life. Every last bit of it and especially the hard parts of it because that is where I grew the most. I find that the biggest gifts come out of the darkest of days.

Thank YOU for supporting my blog and see you next year!

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